In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pycomlink as pycml

Read in example data from one CML

In [3]:
cml =

1 CMLs read in

In [4]:
# Remove artifacts and plot data
cml.process.quality_control.set_to_nan_if('tx', '>=', 100)
cml.process.quality_control.set_to_nan_if('rx', '==', -99.9)

cml.plot_data(['tx', 'rx', 'txrx']);

Do a simple wet/dry classification

In [5]:
cml.process.wet_dry.std_dev(window_length=30, threshold=0.8)
cml.plot_data(['txrx', 'wet']);

Derive a constant baseline

Let's just focus on the rain events on 2016-10-25

In [6]:
ax = cml.plot_data(['txrx', 'wet', 'baseline', 'A']);
ax[0].set_xlim('2016-10-25 00:00', '2016-10-25 10:00');

In [7]:
# Save a copy of these results for comparing them to the linear baseline later
baseline_constant =
A_constant =

Or derive a linear baseline

In [8]:
ax = cml.plot_data(['txrx', 'wet', 'baseline', 'A']);
ax[0].set_xlim('2016-10-25 00:00', '2016-10-25 10:00');

In [9]:
# Save a copy of these results for comparing them to the constant baseline
baseline_linear =
A_linear =

Compare the results from constant and linear baseline

In [10]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 4), sharex=True)

ax[0].plot(baseline_constant, color='C3', label='constant baseline')
ax[0].plot(baseline_linear, color='C4', label='linear baseline')

ax[1].plot(A_constant, color='C3', label='constant baseline')
ax[1].plot(A_linear, color='C4', label='linear baseline')

ax[0].set_xlim('2016-10-25 00:00', '2016-10-25 10:00');



NaN handling

The algorithms for constant and linear baseline handle NaNs differently:

  • constant baseline:
    • For NaN values in wet the baseline is also set to NaN.
    • All baseline values following a NaN during a wet event are also set to NaN till the next dry event starts. This has to be done, since we do not know if a new wet event started during a NaN period and hence we do not know at which level the constant baseline should be.
  • linear baseline:
    • Default:
      The baseline for a whole wet event is set to NaN if there is at least one wet NaN within this period. This makes sense, since for the interpolation of the linear baseline the correct end of the wet period has to be known to its txrx value. Since the wet event could have ended during the NaN period, we do not know the end of the wet period and hence cannot savely assume a txrx endpoint for the interpolation.
    • Option to ignore_nan:
      If you know what you are doing, e.g. because you know that your only have very few consecutive wet NaNs and hecne can assume that a wet event will not stop during your wet NaN, then you can ignore all NaNs. This will take the next switch from wet to dry as endpoint of the wet event and do the interpolation accordingly.

In [11]:
# Exchange the current `wet` pd.Series in `channel_1` with a different series of floats with some `NaN`s
wet_temp =
wet_temp['2016-10-25 04:45': '2016-10-25 05:00'] = np.NaN = wet_temp

Constant baseline

In [12]:
ax = cml.plot_data(['txrx', 'wet', 'baseline', 'A']);
ax[0].set_xlim('2016-10-25 00:00', '2016-10-25 10:00');

Linear baseline (default)

default = set baseline for whole wet event to NaN if it contains at least one wet NaN

In [13]:
ax = cml.plot_data(['txrx', 'wet', 'baseline', 'A']);
ax[0].set_xlim('2016-10-25 00:00', '2016-10-25 10:00');

Linear baseline (ignoring NaNs)

In [14]:
ax = cml.plot_data(['txrx', 'wet', 'baseline', 'A']);
ax[0].set_xlim('2016-10-25 00:00', '2016-10-25 10:00');

In [ ]: